Here somes photos from the
Mike Patton signing i went to on Friday afternoon. Patrick, Fraser and Todd couldnt make it because of work, but since im a bum i could go. Unfortunately you werent allowed to have a pictures taken with him but you could take pictures of him whilst waiting in line.

Mike was only signing Peeping Tom and Tomohawk albums.
Peeping Tom for me.

Tomahawk for Patrick.

The concert was held at The Forum. The place is really cool, the best venue we have been to yet. Its designed like an old Roman theatre with statues and busts of gods and caesars decorating the stage and walls. The concert was amazing.

Now for some stories. There were a couple of dudes causing some trouble where i was standing in the bit. One of them looked just the like fat dude from LOST. He wasnt happy with some dude infront of him who had long poodle hair and wearing a beret. LOST was jumping all over him. Eventually these two massive security guards came bursting through the crowd, picked him up and dragged him out.
Then there was this lady who pushed her way forward into the front. We asked her why and her reasoning was that it was her birthday. She spat all over me when she said it. Eventually she went away.