Sunday, 24 June 2007

Mike Patton/Peeping Tom

Here somes photos from the Mike Patton signing i went to on Friday afternoon. Patrick, Fraser and Todd couldnt make it because of work, but since im a bum i could go. Unfortunately you werent allowed to have a pictures taken with him but you could take pictures of him whilst waiting in line.
Mike was only signing Peeping Tom and Tomohawk albums.

Peeping Tom for me.
Tomahawk for Patrick.
The concert was held at The Forum. The place is really cool, the best venue we have been to yet. Its designed like an old Roman theatre with statues and busts of gods and caesars decorating the stage and walls. The concert was amazing.
This lovely girl here was the 21 yr old beatboxer. She was onstage the whole show and did backing vocals and beatboxing. She even got her own little segment where she did a solo performance that blew everyone away.Some B/W photos.
Now for some stories. There were a couple of dudes causing some trouble where i was standing in the bit. One of them looked just the like fat dude from LOST. He wasnt happy with some dude infront of him who had long poodle hair and wearing a beret. LOST was jumping all over him. Eventually these two massive security guards came bursting through the crowd, picked him up and dragged him out.
Then there was this lady who pushed her way forward into the front. We asked her why and her reasoning was that it was her birthday. She spat all over me when she said it. Eventually she went away.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

The wet dog smell

Patrick, Fraser and myself were walking down Ackland Street today. A foul smell was in the air when we reached a certain point in the street. Patrick said it reminded him of a wet dog, made out of plants, that had just done a massive shit. We decided we would each draw this shitting plant dog when we got back to the hostel.

Just a little side note. I have changed the settings so now anyone can post comments on each post. You dont have to be a member of gmail or whatever. Just click on the 'comments' link at the bottom of each post to do so.

The pier is for fishing

At night people come down to the pier to fish, have some drinks and whatever else. The first time we walked down it we all came to an agreementthat instead of pestering people for money on the streets to buy whatever poison they choose to fuck themselves with, the bums should go fishing on the pier to catch their dinner. All they need to do is somehow get their hands on a fishing line and a whole heap of them could make a day of it.
A few weeks ago we were in the kitchen at the hostel. There is a window in the kitchen which when looking through it shows the alley way that runs alongside the hostel. We were doing our thing then from out of nowhere we here a knock on the window. Its some cackling bum (bums dont laugh, they cackle) holding a fish. He had either caught it or he had stoten it. Either way he was waving it infront of the window trying to impress us. He even did the 'pretend to open the fishes mouth and make it talk' trick.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


The origin story of why Fraser's boss hates Patrick. Patrick's not letting on how he escaped the situation but he must of done pretty well to get away.

Pink Pants Pt. 2

Here's my crack at drawing the crazy lady drowning some babies. This time its Patricks offspring that are in trouble. Fraser's boss looks on with pleasure and satisfaction. Note that hes not wearing his shoulder pad. It was casual Friday.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Pink Pants

An awful lady from New Zealand arrived at the hostel a couple of days ago. Shes horrible. I first met her whilst sitting outside on the roof enjoying the sun. She came out to have a smoke and in the process of doing so im pretty sure she coughed up a lung. It was gross. Fraser had a run in with her the same night whereby she told him about the adventures she and her friends use to get up to back home. I think it was stealing peoples milk bottles..... She also told him that when disabled babies are born they should be drowned immediately.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Dalai Lama, the greatest musical spectacle ever

Yesterday we all went to Princes Park to see the Dalai Lama give a free speech to the general public here in Melbourne. It was free entry with a few thousand gathered around to here his wise old words. It was a really nice day too, obviously by his own doing, surely he can control weather. Worst thing about it though was question and answer time. The questions were shit (what is the meaning of life?) but his answers were very clever. Me and Fraser thought there should have been a 'what would you rather...?' question thrown in there. Something like, what would you rather......lose a couple of fingers or lose the ability to kick?

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Art Day

Fraser has been busy once again, drawing me pictures whilst at work and during the boring times at the hostel.

Fraser Burrow
Caption: "I wish i was human."

These next images are a continuation of the Patrick Gray/Fraser's Boss rivalry. Things are getting a whole lot worse for Patrick.

Fraser Burrow
Caption: "So Fast."

Fraser Burrow
Caption: "And the winner is....."

Fraser Burrow
Caption: "Welcome to Salesforce scumbags. Your first assignment is to go down to the park and kill some ducks."


Monday, 4 June 2007


Last night we went to the HiFi Bar & Ballroom to see Clutch play. It was a really intimate gig with probably around 500 or so people in attendance. Everyone got smashed except for me cos im too poor.

I decided to have a play with the settings of my camera to try and get the best pictures i could. There wasn't enough light in the venue and my flash isn't very powerful so every colour picture i took looked like shit. I decided to go with Black and White. They turned out so much better.

BP Staff II

I got a request the other day from Mike to draw Chou. Here he is. It isn't really that good.