We just came back from the supermarket and were walking up the path to our front door when I noticed there was a used needle on the step. Lovely..... Simon was wearing jandals and almost stepped on it. It seems like weve got a local addict whose taking a liking to our shit house. Were so lucky to live where we do.
I created a quick little survey to find out who actually reads my blog as i have no idea and no means of finding out who does. Ofcourse this survey is only good if people fill it in. Please do, as there is a special something at the end, i guess you could call it a thank you from me for participating.
Dave thought it appropraite to allow me the privilage of writing for this particular piece. so Chur. My first muse(of two, no novels to be written) is to suggest that this picture is entirely inaccurate, as I do the majority of the cleaning about 'this f**king house' (patty is going to love that one). Second muse: my trainer at work is in all ways david brent. I hope you all enjoy this as I doubt I shall recieve the honour again.
Ray had the time of his life the other night, stumbling about and having a larger than usual appetite. We didnt hear from him for a couple of days after. Something about us giving him a rice cracker with some special nutella.
The other day Patrick was watching these fucken videos on the ESP guitar website. They were interviews with guitarists talking about their custom guitars that ESP had created for them. The boy must of gone through about 20 of them. Heres Patrick talking about his.
Sorry bout the swearing. Simon told me that if i swore more i would be able to grow facial hair.
We were all in the house last night and i felt the urge to draw. Everyone put in their suggestions for what they wanted to see. Patty wanted to be happy about something, Simon wanted to be a steroid freak ala Street Fighters Zangief, and Todd wanted to be a drum and bass dj. As we were drinking VB that had to be included also. Heres the result.
Simon finally makes his blog debut as one of Patricks biggest hates, the apple core. Its such a shame for Patrick that Simon and I both enjoy apples and i have the habit of leaving the core lying around, whether i intend to or not. Again just with the pad and a Sharpie.
I was looking through my previous posts and found that there was one that i had started writing but hadnt completed. It dates all the way back to the 1st of January. I thought i might finish it as at the time of the incident i was bothered quite a bit. Here it is
I was catching the tram the other day, on the way to work. It was around 7.45am. I jumped on the tram and took a seat. I wasnt really paying attention but happened to look at the guy who was sitting opposite me. He was a bronzed guy of late 50's early 60's in age, all dressed in white, except for the brown fedora hat on his head. He looked like he was eating something so i had a look down at his hands and sure enough he was. I was amazed! He was eating a big block of either Brie or Camembert cheese. What the hell!?
Its the 4th of February, Patrick and Mikes Birthday!! Make sure you all send your best wishes and happy birthdays to them. To celebrate over here in Melbourne were gonna go out for tea, eat some duck and drink some free red wine.
Whilst Simon and Patrick are out getting a coffee i jumped on the computer and fixed the internet for them. Simple thinking is the best. Before they left i did a little 5 minute sketch using a pad and a sharpie.
And thanks to Marion for shouting us dinner/s and baking for us. I love baking!!