Sunday, 24 August 2008

KFC leftovers

We were on the train coming home from somewhere, i can remember where. We sat down in one of the 6 seat booths and were shocked to discover the remains of someones KFC dinner smooshed all over one of the seats, yuk! We decided it had to be the fat dude sitting behind us as he had a smug satisfied look on his face and he was wearing a woolen jersey with nothing on underneath. You just dont do that.

Saturday, 23 August 2008

True story at the supermarket.

Blair went to the supermarket the other day to pick up some lunch meat (dont know what kind, it doesnt matter). So he was waiting at the deli when some lady approached him. She said to him "you know, you kinda look like someone" to which Blair replied "i get that a lot". She continued "yeh but someone famous, i cant think of his name, its that olympian". Knowing full well where this was going Blair answered "Grant Hackett?" The lady jumped up with excitment "Yes! thats the one, you look like that Grant Hackett guy". Blair left the supermarket quickly and came home to tell me the story. I laughed in his face.

Climbing Mt. Philip

So big.

Monday, 18 August 2008

FB Theatre presents A 3 act period piece

FB is finally back!! Some of the pictures are hard to read but you know the drill, click on them and they should enlarge.



Blair goes for gold and fails.

With Blair's much hyped race in the 1500m freestyle over we can now reflect on the failure that was the silver medal. A Loser. After the event Blair was nice enough to sign a swimming poster i had stolen from work that happened to have his face on it. As NZ newspapers like to use far too often as part of headlines or first paragraphs i was 'stoked' at such a generous gift. I cant tell you how much inspiration it is every time i walk into the room and see those three special words staring me in the face.

Heres the poster that now decorates our lounge wall. Simon hates it but i love it.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Lookalikes again

Time for another installment of lookalikes. This time its Blair and we will use the greatest picture ever taken of him.

Blair from the future where late teenagers rule the world.

Blair hates this comparison but every time we go to the supermarket and we go down the cereal isle i always point it out to him. Hes a gold medal superstar.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Fil Basik

Phil has been wanting me to draw him for a while so i did a quick little 1 minutes sketch last night on a post-it note. He looks like every other person i draw...

A Desk Off, whose is biggest?

Before Simon quit his job (almost fired) he took a picture of his work desk. He was championing it as a good work space whilst i claimed mine was better. So we had a 'desk off'. Here is a picture of my desk or if your a dick... 'work station'. I do apologise for not having a picture of Simon's desk but ill try for it as a future post.

And here is the view from my desk overlooking Albert Park and the girls high school.....Todd.

*UPDATE* Apparently Mikes is biggest of them all.