There is a girl at Frasers work that he sits beside and has his eye on. She has a couple of standout features. Fraser drew them at work together. She didnt turn out as well as hoped.
Friday, 26 October 2007
I eat heaps of apples but I still had to go
For the majority of the week ive had a sore ear. Nothing too painful just annoying. On Thursday i'd had enough and called the doctors office to get an appointment. It got sorted and an appointment was set for later on in the day. I left work and walked to the tram stop. Whilst walking there i noticed from the opposite direction some other person walking to the same tram stop. He was worse than trash, he was garbage. Big black hoodie with crap logo's all over it, a cap with a beanie on top and then the hood from the hoodie over the top of that, a couple of chains hanging off his side, didnt move his arms when he walked.....the usual shit. However the most striking thing to me was that he was wearing a pair of black shorts over the top of his blue jeans. Whats up with that?
Got to the doctors. There was no one in the waiting room but me, i dont think thats ever happened to me before. The doctor told me i had an inflammed ear pipe or something. His advice was to pop my ears 4 times a day. That was not worth $52. Whilst in the waiting room i did notice something. The kids toys are always worn down and broken and they always have one of those bead toys, sorta like the one pictured above. Does anyone see the hidden message in this one?

Saturday Night Sketch
We did some drawing on Saturday, we being Patrick, Fraser and myself. Todd doesnt draw, or read. After some drinks and whatnot we moved into some deep and always amusing conversation. The topic of conversation at the time somehow drifted over to Todd owning a BMX bike and cruising around Melbourne. He described his adventures, doing tricks and carving up the pavement. We didnt buy into it. The drawing pad got passed to Fraser and he drew what we were all thinking. Can anyone pick the 'Easter Egg' from a previous post?
We then shifted to the topic of call centres. Fraser told the tale of ringing Australian school kids and them answering "Who's Thiiiiiisssss!?" Again, Fraser drew it.
Patrick recalled all the times hes had to ring Australian deadbeats. The responses he gets are a little bit different. He drew it.
Sadly my little comic I drew for Fraser isnt allowed to be posted. Whilst Fraser was all for it, Patrick deemed it unacceptable. Something about a PG rating and mums :)

Monday, 22 October 2007

Monday, 15 October 2007
Ooooh a side picture.

We attended a 1 hour Q/A with animation legend Bruce Timm, mastermind behind the Batman animated series and Justice League Unlimited, and his colleague, voice director Andrea Romano. The crowd was full of nerd enthusiasm but it was definitely the best thing we attended. I also got a book signed and waited far too long in lines. I hate lines. Whilst I was in line Patrick got to the see the grand entrance of WWE wrestlers RVD and Sabu. They were nice enough to charge $30 or so for an autograph and photo, as were the many "stars" of SciFi television. Apparently someone went for the hi-five but got shot down by RVD. Unfortunatly or not I forgot to take my camera but we took Todds video camera so there is a little bit of footage.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Todd, please leave my apartment

Make up your own nickname
Im lazy and couldnt be bothered putting pen to the pictures. Any excuse to throw those arms in the air.
The French Horn
Monday, 8 October 2007
Tales to Astonish
Ive got a couple of stories today, one that happened today and one thats been an ongoing problem for the last couple of months. The first one happened today at work. Every Monday a big box of fruit is brought up into the office for everyone to help themselves to. We also have team meetings on Monday and sometimes people bring a bit of fruit in to eat whilst taking part in the meeting, a bit noisy when you have something crunchy but whatever. Anyway we have this new middle aged guy with a massive head that started last week and he brought in an apple to the meeting. Every now and then id glance over and check up on his eating progress. When he got to the core i thought, he'll probably put that on the table or in the bin, but to my horror he put it in his mouth and ate it. Im pretty sure that stalk thing at the top of apples was still on it too! He ate it like if he was eating a lollie. Still dont know what to think of him after he dressed like a 14yr old skateboarder on casual Friday last week.
The other story is a bit disgusting but has plague me in every job ive had here in Melbourne. Every time i go to the bathroom i enter the cubicle and someone left something behind. I dont know if its just my rotten luck or someone is doing it deliberately to me. I had a good week last week and think i only stumbled onto it once but today, first time going into the bathroom at around 9.30 and there it is, someones mess. Its shit.
The other story is a bit disgusting but has plague me in every job ive had here in Melbourne. Every time i go to the bathroom i enter the cubicle and someone left something behind. I dont know if its just my rotten luck or someone is doing it deliberately to me. I had a good week last week and think i only stumbled onto it once but today, first time going into the bathroom at around 9.30 and there it is, someones mess. Its shit.

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