We did some drawing on Saturday, we being Patrick, Fraser and myself. Todd doesnt draw, or read. After some drinks and whatnot we moved into some deep and always amusing conversation. The topic of conversation at the time somehow drifted over to Todd owning a BMX bike and cruising around Melbourne. He described his adventures, doing tricks and carving up the pavement. We didnt buy into it. The drawing pad got passed to Fraser and he drew what we were all thinking. Can anyone pick the 'Easter Egg' from a previous post?

We then shifted to the topic of call centres. Fraser told the tale of ringing Australian school kids and them answering "Who's Thiiiiiisssss!?" Again, Fraser drew it.

Patrick recalled all the times hes had to ring Australian deadbeats. The responses he gets are a little bit different. He drew it.

Sadly my little comic I drew for Fraser isnt allowed to be posted. Whilst Fraser was all for it, Patrick deemed it unacceptable. Something about a PG rating and mums :)
"So fast". I love it. These are all really funny. What was so contoversial about your one that got it banned by Patrick?
I contained sex that was deemed not suitable to a certain peercentage of my fan base. Patrick is a strict one.
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