Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Monday, 10 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
We can rebuild him

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Deepthroat, ack ack ack!!

And then there is the other half of the picture which doesn't really make sense but apparently Simon can lift 105kg's with his legs.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Fury of the Storm

Sunday, 19 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
So if any of you guys need information on how to train your girl to be your bitch, just hit me up, i can help.
By the way, whats with people not leaving comments?
Post 200!!!
Second Row L - R:
Fraser Burrow, Clint Frost Burrow, Tui, Colossus, Fraser's Mystic Uncle, Derek
Back Row L - R:
Patrick, Pink Pants, Meathead, Simon, Resin Tooth
Not in Attendance:
Bishops Finger
The Phantom Shitter and more.

Now onto my theories on who the phantom shitter is, i believe it was one of the managers that for some reason reminded me of a shark yet didn't really look like one. In my mind i called him Sharky? He pissed at the urinal with his legs tightly together rather than a comfortable shoulder width apart. It always bothered me. He must be guilty.
You have been warned.
Going off topic for a bit, there was once another person that i use to refer to as Sharky. He was one of the retards (handicapped for you PC people) that use to go to Moana Pool at the same time as my school class every Friday afternoon when i was 9 and 10. This guy really did look like a shark and he use to always walk on his tippy toes, something i wouldn't advise considering the surface area of tippy toes and a slippery poolside floor. And yet i never saw him slip, remarkable. There was another guy who was always at the pool at the same time as our class. It was this old dude who always wore a pair of blue speedos and you know what was always in those speedos, an erection. This dude would just stroll past our swim training pointing straight ahead. I assume he was going to get his clothes from one of those shelf/box things but whose to know his real agenda. Thinking about it now, its so fucked up but i was 9 and oblivious to these kinds of things. And where were the lifeguards when this was going on. He must have been in cahoots with that angry old bastard of a lifeguard and was allowed to get his fucking rise out of us kids. I sure hope i wasn't his material.
True stories by David
Friday 10th October, sitting outside in the sun having a Cascade beer.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Animorphs, not just a series of books but real life!
I have family in Star Wars

One day, on an errand to purchase a work droid, Jann witnessed a cruel owner battering his droids. He purchased them from the brute, returning to the mine with three marginally useful automatons -- C-3PO, R2-D2 and a strange unnamed android. Upon closer examination, it wasn't an android at all, but rather a Tammuz-an native in disguise. Beneath the mechanical coverings was a towering alien, who didn't say much.
Gundy was incensed at now having another "mouth to feed," but ate those words when the alien saved his life after a mine tunnel collapse. Gundy named the alien Kez-Iban, a Bocce word meaning "he who returns from death." In truth, Kez-Iban was the lost prince of Tammuz-an, Mon Julpa. Julpa had his memory erased by an evil vizier, Zatec-Cha, and was sent away to Tyne's Horky. A sizable bounty had been placed on his head, one that the evil gangster Kleb Zellock intended to cash in on.
Zellock captured Julpa, Jann and the droids, and imprisoned them in his nergon 14 mine. Nergon 14 is an extremely volatile mineral used in Imperial proton torpedoes. Jann was able to escape the mines before an explosive reaction destroyed it.
While Jann was freeing Mon Julpa, Uncle Gundy had discovered a vein of keschel ore in their mine camp. They were rich. Not needing to stay on Tyne's Horky, Jann agreed to take Mon Julpa back to Tammuz-an, were he could reclaim his throne. For his efforts in helping thwart Zatec-Cha, Jann Tosh was named captain in the Tammuz-an space navy.
One of his first challenges in this new position was dealing with Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, a notorious pirate based out of the nearby water planet of Tarnoonga. Jann and Jessica were captured by Kybo Ren and taken to his island stronghold. There, Jann was forced to walk the plank and face a deadly miridon sea monster, but with Artoo's help, he was able to escape. Now loose in Kybo's fortress, Jann freed Jessica. The droids were able to scuttle Kybo's plans to attack Tammuz-an with his captured Star Destroyer, the Demolisher.
After his stint of serving as Mon Julpa's advisor, Jann left Tammuz-an to join the Imperial Space Academy. Jann Tosh was about twenty years old when he met Threepio and Artoo. He is a fair-skinned human male, with brown hair and blue eyes. Tosh dressed in a brown vest, with a loose white undershirt. He had a red headband.
Centre of the Universe at Sydney Airport
After checking my bags in for my flight to Melbourne i decided it was time to eat, and i was starving. The food court was a shambles, full to fast food shit and grease. Subway was my pick of the poison and i s

I finally arrive in Melbourne and get to Southern Cross station at around 11.00pm which is for me around 2.00am. I said fuck that to the train and decided to get a taxi home, even though it would cost me a bit, id had enough. Jumped in a cab and started heading home, giving directions cos the taxi driver had never even heard of the suburb i live in, im shaking me head in disgust. We pulled up at the lights and this Mercedes pulls up beside us, windows down and music blasting. I had a look into the car and the dude looked just like Jamie Durie, that stripper turned gardener guy from Australian television, maybe its him? And hes listening to Boyz II Men really really loud, oh my god, my brain is actually melting.

Sunday, 21 September 2008
Party on the steps
Saturday, 13 September 2008
4 hours at Christchurch airport
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Stranded at the beach
Eating meatloaf is great for your insides
Sunday, 24 August 2008
KFC leftovers
Saturday, 23 August 2008
True story at the supermarket.
Monday, 18 August 2008
FB Theatre presents A 3 act period piece
Blair goes for gold and fails.
With Blair's much hyped race in the 1500m freestyle over we can now reflect on the failure that was the silver medal. A Loser. After the event Blair was nice enough to sign a swimming poster i had stolen from work that happened to have his face on it. As NZ newspapers like to use far too often as part of headlines or first paragraphs i was 'stoked' at such a generous gift. I cant tell you how much inspiration it is every time i walk into the room and see those three special words staring me in the face.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Lookalikes again

Blair from the future where late teenagers rule the world.

Blair hates this comparison but every time we go to the supermarket and we go down the cereal isle i always point it out to him. Hes a gold medal superstar.