Tuesday 29 July 2008

Tram Lady

I was on the tram coming back from Collingwood (fun fact: Did you know that Eddie McGuire, host of the popular 'who wants to be a millionaire?' and numerous other television game shows is the king of Collingwood?) when all of a sudden this old lady started shouting out random crap. None of it made sense but the quote in the picture stood out as my favorite absurd outburst. I could only see the back of her but knew she was wearing those humongous blue blockers that old people wear. I just assumed she had puckered little lips. She also had one of those trundler bags with her. One could only imagine what obscure and insane things she had in there.


Toddy Fish said...

She's talkin down town!

Anonymous said...

hah, you said it lady.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Dave said...

yeh, theres no way you could make that up, true crazy in its most purest form.

Anonymous said...

you should draw the situation where she gets to choose who she meets