One day, on an errand to purchase a work droid, Jann witnessed a cruel owner battering his droids. He purchased them from the brute, returning to the mine with three marginally useful automatons -- C-3PO, R2-D2 and a strange unnamed android. Upon closer examination, it wasn't an android at all, but rather a Tammuz-an native in disguise. Beneath the mechanical coverings was a towering alien, who didn't say much.
Gundy was incensed at now having another "mouth to feed," but ate those words when the alien saved his life after a mine tunnel collapse. Gundy named the alien Kez-Iban, a Bocce word meaning "he who returns from death." In truth, Kez-Iban was the lost prince of Tammuz-an, Mon Julpa. Julpa had his memory erased by an evil vizier, Zatec-Cha, and was sent away to Tyne's Horky. A sizable bounty had been placed on his head, one that the evil gangster Kleb Zellock intended to cash in on.
Zellock captured Julpa, Jann and the droids, and imprisoned them in his nergon 14 mine. Nergon 14 is an extremely volatile mineral used in Imperial proton torpedoes. Jann was able to escape the mines before an explosive reaction destroyed it.
While Jann was freeing Mon Julpa, Uncle Gundy had discovered a vein of keschel ore in their mine camp. They were rich. Not needing to stay on Tyne's Horky, Jann agreed to take Mon Julpa back to Tammuz-an, were he could reclaim his throne. For his efforts in helping thwart Zatec-Cha, Jann Tosh was named captain in the Tammuz-an space navy.
One of his first challenges in this new position was dealing with Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, a notorious pirate based out of the nearby water planet of Tarnoonga. Jann and Jessica were captured by Kybo Ren and taken to his island stronghold. There, Jann was forced to walk the plank and face a deadly miridon sea monster, but with Artoo's help, he was able to escape. Now loose in Kybo's fortress, Jann freed Jessica. The droids were able to scuttle Kybo's plans to attack Tammuz-an with his captured Star Destroyer, the Demolisher.
After his stint of serving as Mon Julpa's advisor, Jann left Tammuz-an to join the Imperial Space Academy. Jann Tosh was about twenty years old when he met Threepio and Artoo. He is a fair-skinned human male, with brown hair and blue eyes. Tosh dressed in a brown vest, with a loose white undershirt. He had a red headband.