Sunday, 26 August 2007

Work doodles.

Work has been quite boring recently. When the last hour rolls round I've had enough. Ive ended up just drawing pictures. Sorry about all the smudges on the drawings, the pen I have is terrible, it goes everywhere. By the end of the day my hand is covered with blue ink, Friday I almost left work with a line down my face.

My first attempt at drawing 'The Dinosaur'. Doing his masters bidding but not quite succeeding. That Patricks a slippery wee devil.
A group battle shot. I wanted the image to look like the final stage of X-men vs. Street Fighter when you fight Apocalypse, I ran out of space though. However the giant head does the trick. From top left to right: Patrick, Dave, Fraser, Frasers boss.


Anonymous said...

Dave, I was unaware you had any martial arts training. I'm this close to accusing you of being a liar.

Dave said...

Just started last Monday doing Juijitsu.

Anonymous said...

I take it all back. Good show, sir.

Dave said...

im in constant pain